PNY Elite-X 64GB

  • Obtained from: Amazon
  • Price paid: $6.31
  • Advertised capacity: 64GB
  • Logical capacity: 62,226,694,144 bytes
  • Physical capacity: 62,226,694,144 bytes
  • Fake/skimpy flash: Skimpy (2.77% skimp)
  • Protected area: 134,217,728 bytes
  • Adjusted skimp: 2.56%
  • Speed class markings: Class 10, U3, V30, A1
  • CID data:
    • Manufacturer ID: 0x27*
    • OEM ID: 0x5048 (ASCII: PH)*
    • Product name: 0x5344363447 (ASCII: SD64G)
    • Product revision: 0x60

* This manufacturer ID/OEM ID is pretty well known to be associated with Phison.

Sample #123Average
Manufacture dateOct 2022Oct 2022Oct 2022N/A
Serial number0xda3d4dcd0xda3eb2a00xda3e9910N/A
Sequential read speed (MB/sec)89.8689.6389.5289.67
Sequential write speed (MB/sec)37.2935.2336.7336.42
Random read speed (IOPS/sec)2,330.072,239.022,277.752,282.28
Random write speed (IOPS/sec)1,024.11993.081,017.291,011.49
Read/write cycles to first errorNot yet determined874Not yet determined874
Read/write cycles to complete failureNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determined
Total days to complete failureNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determined
Package frontN/A
Package backN/A
Card frontN/A
Card backN/A


It wasn’t until pretty late into this project that I realized that PNY hadn’t been represented in my survey thus far. I hadn’t managed to find any PNY cards on AliExpress — at least, not any PNY-branded cards — so I had to look at what Amazon had. I chose two models: this, and the Premier-X 128GB. As you may have guessed from the pictures, this card was offered in a three-pack — so the price you see above is divided evenly between the three cards.

Performance-wise, this card scored slightly above average in all performance metrics, with the exception of random write scores — where all three samples scored more than one standard deviation above average, almost nearly two standard deviations above average. The worst of the three random write scores would put it in the 92nd percentile. Not bad!

These cards bear the Class 10, U3, V30, and A1 performance marks. All three samples performed well enough to qualify for all of these marks.

All three samples are currently undergoing endurance testing:

  • Samples #1 and #3 have not yet reached the 2,000 read/write cycle mark. They are currently expected to reach this point sometime in September 2024.
  • Sample #2’s first error was a two-sector wide address decoding error during round 875. It has survived 1,718 read/write cycles in total so far.

July 20, 2024 (current number of read/write cycles is updated automatically every hour)

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