Samsung PRO Endurance 32GB

  • Obtained from: Amazon
  • Price paid: $6.99
  • Advertised capacity: 32GB
  • Logical capacity: 32,044,482,560 bytes
  • Physical capacity: 32,044,482,560 bytes
  • Fake/skimpy flash: No
  • Protected area: 83,886,080 bytes (inaccessible)
  • Speed class markings: Class 10*, U1, V10
  • CID data:
    • Manufacturer ID: 0x1b*
    • OEM ID: 0x534d (ASCII: SM)*
    • Product name: 0x4a42315135 (ASCII: JB1Q5)
    • Product revision: 0x30
Sample #123Average
Manufacture dateAug 2023Jan 2024Dec 2023N/A
Serial number0x418e5fef0x656057b50xc4b65783N/A
Sequential read speed (MB/sec)89.9683.2383.0185.40
Sequential write speed (MB/sec)28.7028.3128.8628.62
Random read speed (IOPS/sec)4,365.762,881.032,784.603,343.80
Random write speed (IOPS/sec)450.28527.10526.92501.43
Read/write cycles to first error3,687Not yet determinedNot yet determined3,687
Read/write cycles to complete failureNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determined
Total days to complete failureNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determinedNot yet determined
Card reader usedSmartQ SingleJJS CR-UTC4ACJJS CR-UTC4ACN/A
Package frontN/A
Package backN/A
Card frontN/A
Card backN/A

* This manufacturer ID/OEM ID is pretty well known to be associated with Samsung.


This is one I purchased because — I think — I wanted to see how “high endurance” cards perform compared to their contemporary (low endurance?) cousins.

As I stated above, Samsung is a pretty well-known player in the electronics industry, and their SD cards are no exception. And, as with the Samsung EVO Plus, it’s nice to see that Samsung didn’t skimp on storage — in fact, this one is slightly larger than the EVO Plus.

Performance-wise, this card did well on read tests, but I was a little disappointed by write performance. All three samples got above average sequential read and random write speeds, and scored more than one standard deviation above average on random read tests, but got below average sequential write speeds. It did well enough to qualify for all of the marks that appeared on it (nearly by a factor of 3), but when compared to the other name-brand cards I tested, it did worse on the sequential write test, and only average on the random write test.

All three cards are still undergoing endurance testing:

  • Sample #1 has survived 11,349 read/write cycles so far. It experienced data verification failures earlier on, but I was able to chalk those errors up to issues with my code. The first errors that I wasn’t able to attribute to code issues happened during round 3,688.
  • Sample #2 has survived 3,009 read/write cycles so far and has not yet experienced any errors.
  • Sample #3 has survived 4,752 read/write cycles so far and has not yet experienced any errors.

So just how long should this card last? If we look at Samsung’s product page for this card, they have a footnote where they list the rated endurance 17,520 hours of Full HD video at 26Mb/sec, which translates to about 205TB, or 6,397 read/write cycles. Sample #1 only made it a little over halfway there before it experienced its first error — which admittedly makes me a little disappointed. Hopefully the other two will fare better.

June 15, 2024 (current number of read/write cycles is updated automatically every hour)

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