QWQ Extreme Pro 16GB

  • Obtained from: AliExpress
  • Price paid: $2.99
  • Advertised capacity: 16GB
  • Protected area: 0 bytes
  • Speed class markings: Class 10, A1
  • CID data:
    • Manufacturer ID: 0x00
    • OEM ID: 0x0000
    • Product revision: 0x00
Sample #123456Average
Logical capacity16,106,127,360 bytes16,106,127,360 bytes16,106,127,360 bytes15,938,355,200 bytes15,938,355,200 bytes15,938,355,200 bytes16,022,241,280 bytes
Physical capacity8,478,740,480 bytes8,438,415,360 bytes4,097,835,008 bytes15,938,355,200 bytes15,938,355,200 bytes15,938,355,200 bytes11,471,676,074 bytes
Fake/skimpy flashFake flashFake flashFake flashSkimpy (0.39% skimp)Skimpy (0.39% skimp)Skimpy (0.39% skimp)N/A
Product name0x00000000000x00000000000x00000000000x0050fffffc0x0050fffffc0x0050fffffcN/A
Manufacture dateSep 2023Sep 2023Aug 2023Oct 2023Oct 2023Oct 2023N/A
Serial number0x000237860x0002377b0x000253ee0x128001880x128001880x12800188N/A
Sequential read speed (MB/sec)21.7421.5821.6920.539.2120.6819.24
Sequential write speed (MB/sec)11.1710.5015.2514.919.0510.2011.85
Random read speed (IOPS/sec)1,098.461,178.111,225.081,408.721,317.551,341.441,261.56
Random write speed (IOPS/sec)0.820.822.080.860.540.790.99
Read/write cycles to first error1849,3361131701,614
Read/write cycles to complete failure6,805763Not yet determined2,5331,4051,2122,544
Total days to complete failure14515Not yet determined141746788
Package frontN/A
Package backN/A
Card frontN/A
Card backN/A


In early 2024, AliExpress started running sales where items — seemingly from a single seller — were priced at either $1.99, $2.99, or $3.99, and you were allowed to purchase any combination of 10 items…I think per day? This one caught my attention for a couple of reasons: first, the bright orange color; and second, the fact that they offered it in a 618GB capacity — it’s rather odd for an SD card manufacturer to be offering a card in a size that isn’t a power of 2. However, given that the prices on all of the sizes were practically identical, the 618GB card is almost certainly fake, and hence I didn’t buy any of them (yet).

This particular brand also has two different card designs: one whose cards had a primarily orange and white design, and one whose cards had a primarily blue and black design. When I ordered these, I must have thought that there was a significant difference between the two — and if memory serves, I thought that one of them had the “Extreme Pro” label on it, and the other one didn’t — but after receiving them and looking at them more closely, I can’t see a difference between them. They both appear to have the “Extreme Pro” label — and thus, I’m going to lump them both under this section.

Plugging them in, however, revealed a few differences:

  • The orange/white cards are fake — two of them were 8GB in size, while one was only 4GB in size. The blue/black cards, on the other hand, were genuine (if slightly skimpy).
  • The orange/white cards have a different product name than the blue/black cards.
  • The orange/white cards have unique serial numbers — whereas the blue/black cards all have the same serial number.

I’m guessing that all of this means that the seller sourced these cards from more than one manufacturer.

I was surprised that the first three samples turned out to be fake — usually smaller capacity cards like this are genuine. But, I suppose there are sellers who will skimp on just about anything to make a buck.

The performance on them so far has been…terrible. All performance metrics were below average, with most measurements being more than one standard deviation below average. In fact, its best single measurement — the random read score on sample #4 — was only enough to put it into the 37th percentile in that category.

This card bears the Class 10 and A1 marks; and while performance on 5 out of the 6 samples was good enough to qualify for the Class 10 mark, it missed the mark on both random read and random write speeds that would be needed for the A1 mark. And while I’ll throw in my standard disclaimer — that perhaps this card would have done better had it been tested under the proper conditions — I highly doubt it, especially with random write speeds as terrible as they were.

On the endurance front, 5 of the 6 samples are still undergoing endurance testing:

  • Sample #1 only managed to go for 18 read/write cycles before it experienced its first error. It managed to go for quite some time — with the number of errors continually increasing the entire time — but eventually it got to the point where any attempt to write to it would result in I/O errors. I made several attempts to get it to continue — switching it to different card readers, and even adding code to my program to avoid sectors that have continually exhibiting I/O errors — but eventually I had enough and just declared it “dead”. By the time it reached that point, about 14.66% of its sectors had already been marked “bad” — so it wasn’t that far off (relatively speaking) from hitting the 50% failure threshold on its own. Here’s what this sample’s progression looked like:

  • Sample #2 only managed to go for 4 read/write cycles before it encountered its first error. It continued to experience errors every few rounds — affecting about 1,024 sectors at a time — until round 763, when suddenly over half of the sectors started reading back as all 0xff‘s. Here’s what this sample’s progression looked like:

  • Sample #3’s first error was a data verification failure affecting 1,316 sectors during round 9,337. (I don’t want to call these bit flip errors, because the data doesn’t resemble the original data at all.) The odd part is that the sectors affected were non-contiguous — in fact, almost all of them occurred exactly 2,048 sectors after the previous one. (This probably has something to do with the fact that my program looks at the maximum number of sectors per request that the device will support, and uses that as the default block size for I/O operations — meaning that the card was simply giving back the wrong sector data for the first sector in each operation.) It has survived 14,005 read/write cycles in total so far.
  • Sample #4’s first error was a 64-sector wide data verification error during round 12. It continued on without any further errors until round 1,914, when it began following the pattern of poor quality flash: large numbers of bit flips across a growing number of sectors. It also began to experience a number of I/O errors. My program deals with this by either retrying the operation or resetting the reader — however, it would frequently stop responding to commands after the reader had been reset, which would require me to manually reset the card (e.g., by removing it from the card reader and reinserting it). After one particular reset during round 2,534, however, it simply got to the point where even a manual reset wouldn’t get it working again. By that point, it had suffered errors over 36% of the total sectors on the card. Here’s what this card’s progression looked like:

  • Sample #5’s first error was a series of bit flips affecting two sectors during round 318. It kept going with only a few errors until it got to round 1,271 — at which point the number of bad sectors started accelerating. During round 1,406, it decided to stop responding to commands altogether.
  • Sample #6’s first error was a 10-sector wide bit flip error during round 1. This continued to get progressively worse over subsequent rounds. At some point during round 1,213, it stopped responding to commands altogether. By that point, it had suffered errors over more than 19% of the total sectors on the card. Here’s what this card’s progression looked like:

My overall opinion on these cards? Don’t buy them. They’re garbage. They perform terribly, their capacities are inconsistent, and 4 of the 6 started running into issues before hitting 20 read/write cycles, and the fifth only made it a few hundred read/write cycles before running into issues. Only one of them managed to make it past the 2,000 read/write cycle mark without issues. Don’t waste your money on them.

October 3, 2024 (current number of read/write cycles is updated automatically every hour)

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