Logan's Home
My Home on the Interwebs
Major Site News!
Hello! Let's get right into the biggest thing:
Site News!
After pleading from my dad, I decided to get around to downscaling all the images on my site. For that reason, you may notice all the images are unnoticably softer, and more noticably, now are clickable. This is because for all large images I made it so that if you click on them, it will link you to the original hi-res images. This way, the site will load WAY faster, but if you want to see/use the uber-high resoulution originals, they're there.
In other site news I discovered something new on w3schools.com: A proper way to do embedded audio:
Using the audio tag
Now, let's move onto something new:
Personal News!
First: Something exciting recently happened. If you've played Minecraft for a while, you may be familiar with this image from the resource pack selection screen, or a black & white version that's still around in the server selection screen:
The seed for that image was found.
This is real. pic.twitter.com/lZ7t8N6q1k
— SalC1 (@RealSalC1) September 5, 2020
This is big news for anyone serious about Minecraft, because this means now you can play on the world seed of an image likely millions have seen. I know I have sure seen that image in my time playing minecraft. You should get to know I also helped this project: You see, I'm a contributer for the Minecraft@Home BOINC project, and in the final week before pack.png was found, I noticed my computer was running workloads attempting to find pack.png. Though I didn't find pack.png, I sure did help.
In other personal news, I made a Win98SE Installation DVD full of multimedia samplers! It's even bootable! This was made possible by
And speaking of Windows 98SE, I'm planning on updating this disk with this website on it as a web sampler!
I don't know how to end this, so enjoy some bordem repellant, curtosey of YouTube user "tthsqe12".