Logan's Home
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My Blog!
Yep! I have a blog now! And it's written in the same raw html/css yours truely feels makes his site unique on this interweb. When I considered first adding a blog I considered using some standard software that would destroy my custom look, but would make my life easier when adding blog enteries. But, I wanted to maintain my uniqueness, so instead a few months later I'm doing this!
Welcome back to Not great decisions I make while sleep deprived with Logan Cole!
Like, for instance, making this blog entry! Or making this blog at all! Well, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but still. It's kinda true.
Anyway, this just feels kinda weird. It's been so long since I did anything with my site. I started this site when I was 12 (i think), (you can even see what the site was like back then) and since then I've changed a lot. My opinions have changed, and my body has changed.
(puberty... yay.) But, I just want to take a moment to talk about the cringe I experience reading my site, and talk about how I feel and what I'm doing right now. See More...
It's been a while.
It's been a hot minute since I last added something to my site. A lot has happened.
Donald Trump caused an attempted coup d'état. Dondald Trump's term as President then expireed and Joesph R. Biden; also known
as my personal lord and savior; was elected President. See More...
Major Site News!
Hello! Let's get right into the biggest thing:
Site News!
After pleading from my dad, I decided to get around to downscaling all the images on my site. For that reason, you may notice all the images are unnoticably softer, and more noticably, now are clickable. See More...
So this is an unusual blog post. As you can see, I've changed the background to a very pretty image of Saturn. That image was taken on July 19, 2013, aka 7 long years ago. Anyway, As I am writing this it's 2 days until my first day of remote learning. So, why am I writing this? Well, I want to provide a unqiue introduction to myself and what I did this summer. See More...
Welcome to my very first blog post! This whole post, this whole blog even has been made manually! hehe. But, hey! I get to keep my site looking unique! And from 2005... But, it doesn't matter. The important thing is: I have a blog now. See More...
Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com Website coded from the ground up by Logan C. Paper Background by V.Hartikainen https://tiled-bg.blogspot.com/search/label/light?max-results=10 Pickaxe Image: https://dlpng.com/png/7001966 All else Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com