Logan's Home
My Home on the Interwebs
Pick a project!
I've actually been working on 3 projects. Which one would you like to try?
Steam Powered YouTube
Try this thrilling and exciting game from yours truely! Load up a YouTube video of your choice *some condictions may apply, then tweak the cranks and see how long you can keep the quality at it's peak! Just watch that pressure gage and make sure to vent if it's getting to high, else you'll have to start over!
Or maybe, you want to develop web games like that? Or, you just want to do work, instead of playing games. Well, then I still have a program for you!
Visual Studio Code.
But, maybe you, like me when I developed this, were/are stuck on a school sanctioned computing device without access to Visual Studio Code, but with access to the internet/offline HTML and JS based SPAs. Then, this is the program for you! Featuring basic formatting and the ability to try your code, as well as the ability to easily save your work, the little IDE is all you need to get started developing web pages instead of doing your homework!
while you're doing that, could you please contribute any changes to the original program you make to the github?
the LCODE encryptor
Maybe the last 2 didn't tickle your fancy. But maybe, this will.
Do you have any secrets? Anything you don't want others to understand? Say, %13xw23w+25swh15142524ez€22wjzshkL? Well, then this product is for you. See how that last sentence was unintellgible? That was an actual output from this program! Without the correct key, no one will be able to understand whatever you write! But, with the correct key and a copy of this program, it can easily be translated and understood.
Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com. Website coded from the ground up by Logan C. Paper Background by V.Hartikainen https://tiled-bg.blogspot.com/search/label/light?max-results=10 Pickaxe Image: https://dlpng.com/png/7001966 All else Copyright 2020 Logan C. and Bahjeez.com